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Working papers
  1. Gender, land tenure, and household welfare: Insights from matrilineal and patrilineal society in Zambia (2023), (with O Chanda, C Umetsu, W Kodama, AHMS Islam), IDE Discussion Paper No.902, Preparing for submission
  2. Weather shocks and child nutritional status in rural Bangladesh: Does labor allocation have a role to play?(2024), (with K Homma, AHMS Islam, BL. Debela), IDE Discussion Paper No.907, DARE Discussion Papers 2401, Under review
  3. Revisiting the effects of climate-smart agriculture: A Case of Vietnamese Rice Farmers (2023), (with W Kodama, VO Pede), Under review
  4. An inquiry into the relationship between birth order and child health: Empirical evidence from Bangladesh (2024), (with T Kishida and AHMS Islam), IDE Discussion Paper No.936, Revision requested by Asian Development Review
  5. Mobile phones, off-farm income, and employment of rural women: Evidence from Bangladesh (2024), (with S Tian, S Tauseef, AHMS Islam) , Revision requested by Review of Development Economics
  6. Collective reputation and externalities in agriculture: Lessons from Fukushima nuclear accident (2025), (with T Takayama, Y Kashiwagi, T Senda, T Fujie), WP will be available soon
Work in progress
  1. Weather shocks, credit constraint, and labor allocation: Experimental evidence from rural Bangladesh (with NC Das, K Takahashi, AHMS Islam), Analysis stage
  2. Zoonotic disease control and heterogeneous resposne in international wildlife trade: Evidence from Japan, Pilot stage
  3. The land markets and collective reputation: Evidence from Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, Pilot stage
Research grants (PI)
Academic Presentations
Referee Service